IT Policies and Procedures⚓︎
- Our hours of operation are 8AM - 6PM EST. We monitor for critical outages (e.g servers, circuits, networks) at all times.
- All IT requests must be submitted using your company email address. We do not respond to requests from personal email addresses for security and compliance purposes.
- Any purchases of IT related equipment (e.g. computers, printers, phones) must be approved by Bitstream beforehand.
- Unauthorized/personal devices are not allowed on the enterprise network. Depending on your setup, you may connect to either the available "STAFF-WIFI" or "CUSTOMER-WIFI"
- You must reach out to Bitstream before attempting to make any changes to IT infrastructure. This includes the moving of equipment such as managed computers, printers, monitors, and desk phones. Nobody is authorized to make changes to IT infrastructure without first consulting Bitstream.
- Passwords are not self-service. A ticket must be submitted by a person of authority. This may include General Managers, Financial Administrators, and Controllers.
- Computers are to be kept powered on at all times. This is vital to our update and continuous security process. Please do not shut your computer down when leaving for the day.
- Bitstream does not repair printers, provide maintenance, or install consumables. If you need assistance obtaining the correct part or toner, we are able to assist.
- Any new software or digital services that are to be added, must be vetted by Bitstream before implementation.
- No one should attempt to contact an IT related vendor (e.g. RingCentral, Comcast, AT&T) for support without contacting Bitstream first.
- Access to network equipment racks is restricted. No one is authorized to interact with the equipment in these racks unless instructed to do so by Bitstream.
Be sure to read our additional security policies