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Using Managed Secure Messaging (BMSM)⚓︎

Composing a Secure Message⚓︎


This is a continuation of the BMSM Getting Started guide. Refer to it if you have not already activated this service.

1. Once you have installed and activated the extension, navigate to your webmail (eg.

2. Begin composing an email as you normally would. You will see a new option: Virtru Protection; toggle this On to enable secure messaging for this email

3. Once enabled you will notice that Virtru Protection is on, and the title bar has changed to blue, indicating that you are now composing a Secure Message

Features of a Secure Message⚓︎

This service is simple-to-use, and its workflow is designed to mimic the native webmail experience that you're already familiar with.

Additional Features include:

1. Personal Message⚓︎

The Personal Message serves as an introductory message to explain to the recipient the purpose of the Secure Message, before they open it. When BMSM is enabled, this section is the only unencrypted part of the message.


As it is unencrypted, do not disclose sensitive information in this section.

If you choose not to customize this Personal Message, it will default to the following:

Default Personal Message

This is a securely transmitted message from [organization name]. Please select Unlock Message to verify your identity, and view the message.

Please contact us if you have any questions.

2. Security Options⚓︎

a. Disable Forwarding⚓︎

This option disables the ability for the recipient to forward a Secure Message to someone else. By default, forwarding is allowed.

b. Expiration Date⚓︎

As the name suggests, this option allows you to specify an Expiration Date, after which the recipient will no longer be able to view the message or its attachments.

c. Watermarking⚓︎

This is an advanced feature that allows you to watermark sent attachments with your email address. This is potentially useful if you need to claim origin of the attachment(s).

d. Persistent Protection⚓︎

This is an advanced feature that disables allowing the recipient to download attachments for offline use. Instead, enabling this will require the recipient to verify themself each time they want to open the attachment.

Generally it is not advised to enable this, unless you are fulfilling a specific regulatory requirement.

Revoking Access to a sent Secure Message⚓︎

In addition to setting the options above, you may also revoke access to a Secure Message and/or its attachments AFTER you have already sent it. This can be useful if you have made an error when initially sending the Secure Message.

Navigate to your Sent folder, and select the Secure Message. You will see an option to Revoke Access to the right of the message:

Once selected, the recipient will no longer be able to view the message - instead, they will receive an error.

Read on to the next section, which explains how messages are received by the recipient.

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